"Future State - The Role for WA Science & Technology" - Prof. Peter Klinken AC, Chief Scientist of Western Australia.
Past Events
For RSWA members: Free For non-RSWA members: $250 Thought of becomi
RSWA's 1st Symposium for 2024 focusses on space/radio astronomy, super/quantum computing and opportunities in WA's unique flora & landscape.
Worlds apart - Darwin's Orchid Bank, UK, compared with Gingin Cemetery, Western Australia, in the context of Ocbil theory Prof. S. Hopper
Current research on decarbonisation and the transition to a green economy in Western Australia.
This registration is for RSWA members only, for further info and non-member registration, please visit: bit.ly/fire-air-forum
The Royal Society of Western Australia end of year talk: UNCOVERING EINSTEIN'S NEW UNIVERSE Prof. David Blair
The RSWA presents the second John Glover Symposium: past, present, and future of agriculture in WA
The RSWA presents the July talk: "Polyphagous shot-hole borer in Western Australia" by Dr Darryl Hardie and Dr Kylie Ireland (DPIRD)
The RSWA is pleased to announce the upcoming symposium "Environmental pollution: the present and the future in Western Australia"